Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekly Letter: January 10-16, 2012

Well, we played soccer today. I saw 4 people from my generation today, and they said two words. Three weeks. I mentioned to Elder Lindstrom how I was not a big fan of that idea, and he told me that the president gave him a hard time, saying that not counting the days in the mission is like not counting the laps in a race....ouch! I`ve got an interview with him this Friday so I`ll have to repent soon.

This week went a little better and little worse than planned. We focused on finding new investigators and inviting them to go to church to get baptized the next week. It worked fairly well and we now have 4 people that have a date for this Sunday. The only thing is that the five we had lined up for Sunday fell through least for the time being. They were the family that went to church on Sunday. The dad loved church, but the mom is used to the Presbyterian way of doing things. She said that she didn`t feel as good as she`s used to and wants to go back to her church. Unfortunately, she didn`t give us a lot of time to explain about the Holy Ghost, but we did the best we could to leave the seed.

The highlight of the week was by far was the lesson we had with Lourdes Barron. She has studied with the Jehovah`s Witnesses, but she doesn`t like some of things they tell her. However, when we talked to her about baptism, she accepted everything. When we put a date with her she was soo happy she said "the 22nd is my birthday!" We weren`t able to see her again until Sunday when she showed up to church. The talks were about the law of Tithing and the Word of Wisdom. The speakers did a very good job and she loved the messages so everything looks good for this week. Our district leader is going to talk to her on Wednesday and she should be one of four baptisms.

The other three are a single mom and her two daughters. We were going to visit them Sunday after they came to church. However, they live in a town that is close to the chapel, but far from everywhere else we work. We went at the time we had set the appointment, but they weren`t there. We tried getting a hold of them several times, but without success. We finally got to teach them on Saturday. They accepted everything so well with such faith. I think the sister that brought them to church was preparing them from the beginning. So we invited them to baptism the next day, and they accepted! But then the teenage daughter mentioned that she had some personal problems and could not get baptized this week. We tried to help her feel comfortable with it, but the mom decided that it would be better that they get baptized as a family the next week. However, they didn`t get to church yesterday, so we`re thinking of calling them to make sure that our appointment for tomorrow is good for their interviews. Sigh

We also had one more person that was going to get baptized, she`s 20 years old but lives in her parents` house. The parents don`t want to get baptized, but she does. However, she didn`t get baptized this week because the mom needed her help in her work. I`m not an untrusting person, but the fact that she says that her daughter can get baptized if she wants, but them impedes her from doing so, makes me think that she really isn`t a real big fan of the idea.....other sigh.

Oh well, but we have 4 with a date this week, and we`re going to visit some other possibles for this week. So keep praying for us. We`re getting it going pretty nicely here. It was pretty rough the first little while but now we`re feeling good! Thanks for you support and prayers!

Finishing stong!

Elder Blackham

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