Para todos uds:
Another week in Mexico. Wow! I thought time in the MTC was weird, but it seems to be a weird thing during the entire mission. At times, it felt like the day was lasting forever, but this week really flew by! What they told me in the MTC still rings true here, ¨the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days.¨ My companion also says that the months feel like days too, but I have yet to experience that in the field. Speaking of my companion, it´s kind of weird, even though we haven´t been together an entire transfer, I think this is the longest amount of time so far in my mission that I've been in the same companionship. It´s pretty wild.
Things in this area are....coming. As of yet, we're still working on finding investigators. Right now we really only have three families that I would consider consistent investigators, and maybe only one of the three as progressing as of yet. So right now we are finding lots of people, trying to find/contact them, often without consistent success. It's kind of weird that you can be teaching a person for three times, be setting an appointment and still not be sure if they'll be there at the time you set. We have been visiting many members of the ward here, many of which are inactive. We have been giving them copies of the Book of Mormon and a ¿reference card? (pass-along card) We then challenge them to pray to know which person they know that they can share this book with. They have received the challenge pretty well, a few of them are understandably shy, but in the end they agreed to do it. We´re going to make rounds again with the same members during this next week and hopefully we´ll have some references.
Now, regarding our investigators. Hermana Ábrego attended church for the third time this week, and brought her daughter with her. She really enjoyed the service, which was fast and testimony meeting (It got moved back one week because last week was Stake conference) and we challenged her to be baptized. She said she didn't feel ready, so we left her something to read, and we´re going to contact her during this week. (We don't know when she can be baptized, because she works the following Sundays, and we have no clue when she'll have another descanso on Sunday) Still, I feel like the message of the gospel has really helped her. She´s been having some hard times with her family, but she seems to be progressively happier every week, which, of course, is the gospel working in her life. She really enjoys the lessons, the people in the ward, and everything. She even signed up in Relief Society to have us over for dinner next week! I just hope that she recognizes this happiness for what it is and decides to get baptized.
The other investigators....still welcome us to their houses, and are really receptive to the messages, but one isn't willing to fulfill commitments consistently and the other gets caught up in his own beliefs (which are pretty close to the truth), and doesn't see the need to attend our meetings on Sunday. He says that his religion is his personal relationship with God. We've been really working hard with both of them, for them to make connections that if the Book of Mormon is true and if Joseph Smith was a true prophet, that this church is true. However, you cannot force anyone to believe anything, it´s all done by the spirit.
So that´s more or less this last week. Sunday, by far, was the best day of the week, so going into this week, things are looking up! Thank you all for your love and support.
Con Amor,
Elder Blackham
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